Planning Gain ExpertsĀ specialise in theĀ following services:
Whilst we do not offer all types of finance, should you require any, we can advise you where to access:
Bridging finance.
Development finance.
Commercial mortgages.
Project manage the planning application process.
Negotiate with the council on your behalf.
Site Assessment and Development Potential Appraisals.
Development Plan Monitoring and Representations.
Design and Masterplanning.
Consultation and Engagement.
Pre-application Advice, Planning Applications and Appeals.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
We're here to make sure you get the right deal and we can:
Help negotiate the deal with the landowner for the right price and terms.
Appraise the site and review potential profits and costs (although no guarantee can be made in this respect).
Explore the exit strategy and deciding on the appropriate one for your individual circumstances.
Work closely with the solicitors to ensure you have de-risked the site as much as possible, the appropriate insurance is in place, boundaries and access are clear.
"I've felt fully supported and informed with locating opportunities. The one to one support available has been fantastic."
Planning Gain Experts Client